Call for Papers
In questa pagina troverai una lista di varie Call for Papers che potrebbero interessarti.
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DEADLINE 30/01/24
There is no universally accepted definition of religion. For the purpose of this session the term religion is to be understood broadly as a system of beliefs and practices that attempts to order life in terms of culturally perceived ultimate priorities. Religion has a complex relationship with other cultural structures and systems that may impact and interact with the ways in which humans experience social life. Religion and religious institutions often have social rules and norms about how to engage in sex and how to express one’s sexuality and or gender. The aim of this session is to stimulate a discussion around religion, religiosities or religious cultural environments and their relationship to lived experiences on sex, sexuality, and gender. For this session the term sex should relate to for example; the sexual act, sexual activity, or sexual interaction rather than a biologically assigned label given at birth. We welcome papers that explore how lived experiences of sex, sexuality and gender may change, adapt, or evolve depending on space, place, and religion. The session intends to gather papers based on studies that explore the different religions from across the globe, different geographical locations, or reflections on religious migration and displacement and their relationship to experiences of sex, sexuality and gender. We also welcome papers that may be interdisciplinary or cross-disciplinary exploring other aspects of social life related to the intersection of religion, sex, sexuality, and gender.
Submission of papers to
Please include: title of paper, abstract max 300 words, name(s) and institutions of authors
Journal Ex Aequo, thematic issue: Gender and language: perspectives and challenges
DEADLINE 15/01/24
Call for papers for a thematic issue on Gender and language: perspectives and challenges, in Ex Aequo - an international interdisciplinay journal, edited by the Portuguese Association of Women's Studies (APEM), since 1999.
The issue of inclusive, non-sexist, gender-equal or gender-sensitive language has taken hold at a social and political level, with different positions (as happens whenever the status quo is shaken). This development is not restricted to one particular language or to one particular country, but is relevant in many Western countries no matter which language is concerned. The issue has also entered the scientific field, within the scope of linguistics or language sciences, with considerable dynamism at the international level, focusing on both morphological aspects and the history of the language(s) as well as factors linked to discursive uses (see Cerquiglini 2019; Constantin de Chanay, Chevalier and Gardelle 2017; de Miguel 2022; Diewald and Steinhauer 2022; Diewald forthcoming; Rabatel and Rosier 2019; a.o.). In Portugal, however, scientific discussion has remained limited (Coutinho 2021; Matos 2020), despite extensive legislation which, at least since 2009, has recommended the use of inclusive language, particularly in public administration, and the publication of numerous inclusive language manuals. There are signs of resistance from both society and the linguistic community - as well as positions that seek and push for change. Therefore, we need to develop consistent thought, from a linguistic point of view, which is the target of this volume.
Proposals are accepted until January 2024, 15, in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
"Underpaid or Uberpaid" The Platformisation of the Domestic and Care Work" for the JOURNAL SYMPOSIUM of CRITICAL SOCIOLOGY
DEADLINE 15/12/23
The call aims to explore the working conditions of care and domestic workers in the platform economy by highlighting:
- the intersections of gender, ethnicity, age, and professionalism to highlight in different contexts new mechanisms of empowerment or disempowerment;
- analyse the extent to which, or how, care platforms direct and control worker tasks, employment conditions and social relations of workers;
- how different business models affect the work process and working conditions;
- the relationship between domestic work and welfare and migration regimes;
- the regulatory and policy challenges surrounding the platformisation of platform work:
- understand how platform work offers certain opportunities and challenges to migrants with a variety of backgrounds and skill levels.
- analyse whether and how ethnicity affects the platform-side choice of domestic and care workers and how ethnic background affects working conditions
- the intersection between platform work and informal/undeclared work;
- the role of industrial relations in addressing the huge fragmentations of care and domestic work.
Deadline for submission of *abstracts *is *15 December 2023*. Successful abstracts will be invited to submit a full article by 31 December, with deadline for submission of *full articles *for *31 March 2024*.
Abstracts can be sent to the Symposium Editors:
Luisa De Vita, ; Alessio Bertolini,
Feminist Economics Responses and Imaginations for the Future
DEADLINE 22/11/23
Call for the Papers for the 32nd IAFFE Annual Conference, which will be hosted by Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, 3–5 July 2024. The Conference theme aspires to provoke critical reflection on feminist economics responses to two of the defining features of the current economic and political landscape: The technological breakthroughs of a digital economy on the one hand, a crisis of democracy, political polarization, and backlash on the other. Beyond responses to the present, the conference also invites reflections on feminist economics imaginations for the future, inspired and provoked by utopian and dystopian visions of the economy from film and literature. The theme is presented in full below.
You can submit your proposals for paper or poster presentations, roundtables, workshops or organized sessions here. The deadline for submissions is November 22, 2023. As you prepare your submission(s) for the conference, please take a moment to read the Submissions Guidelines as well as important practical information regarding deadlines, hybrid sessions, interpretation etc. provided below. We look forward to receiving and reviewing your submission(s) and engaging with you in Rome in July 2024.
Gendering the law of digital platforms.
An interdisciplinary and comparative study of platform work and its law through gender
DEADLINE 10/11/23
COST P-WILL - Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab ( invites you to submit proposals for papers for a Special Issue and a Conference on “Gendering the law of digital platforms. An interdisciplinary and comparative study of platform work and its law through gender”.
Pre-selected articles will be presented at a conference in Paris/online, organised by the University Paris-East (UPEC, MIL) in April 2024.
Accepted papers will be published in “Labour & Law Issues”, 2024, vol. 10, no. 2.
Prospective articles should be submitted as extended abstracts (around 800 words) or draft articles by November 10, 2023, to and
They should include an extended abstract (800 words), name, current affiliation and email address. Submission should be accompanied by a short bio / CV as well as a list of publications in a separate document (max. two pages). The outcome of the selection process will be communicated by December 20, 2023.
Gender, Family and Deindustrialization (Glasgow, June 25-26, 2024)
DEADLINE 03/11/23
Proposals are invited for the third annual conference sponsored by the DéPOT transnational partnership (Deindustrialization and the Politics of our Time). We welcome individual proposals, panels with three presentations, and roundtables addressing any aspect of this year’s theme: Gender, Family and Deindustrialization. Proposals offering intersectional perspectives are particularly encouraged, as are those with a transnational/comparative dimension.
There will be an opportunity for selected papers to be included in an edited volume to be published by University of Toronto Press. Presenters wishing to be considered for the edited volume will be asked to submit their paper for consideration three weeks ahead of the conference.
Please send proposals (c300 words) and a short CV to by November 3, 2023